Friday, February 25, 2011

Pushing Through

The last few weeks have been such a struggle, but last night's 6 miles run was just great!!  I hope I have made it over that Wall that was making me feel so worn out.  Tomorrow is my first 14 mile run, so I'm hoping the weather doesn't make that too difficult!
Sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other is the best I can do.  I learned that while I tried to help Mom and Dad get through all their medical issues.  I got through Mom's birthday and my birthday and now I am faced with the 3rd anniversary of Kate's death on 3/1 as well as the anniversary of Dad's death on St. Patrick's Day.  3/17 will never be the same for me....
Eating "Green" has been going extremely well.  For me, this is really a very natural thing and something that I know works the best for my body.  I have lost 10# since the beginning of the year and while I'd love for the weight to be falling off at a faster rate than that, I am happy for that change.  The more I read, the more I know that this is the only way I can avoid going down the road that Mom ended up going down.  It's so frustrating to see information on heart disease, like the Barbara Walters special a couple weeks ago focus on surgery.  Even when she interviewed President Clinton who is now vegan, he barely spoke about the connection between diet and heart disease.  I've also been very interested to see that studies are now showing that diabetes can be eliminated with a plant-based vegan diet.  Of course, the meat and dairy industry has convinced everyone that diabetics need to avoid ALL carbohydrates, which it turns out is not true. 
As the snow continues to fall, I sure hope the group run isn't cancelled.  I can't do 14 miles on the treadmill!!!!!!

I could really use some help with my fundraising, so if you can help me out, I'd really appreciate it!!
(There is a link at the bottom of my blog page)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eight Miles

So far the eight mile runs have been the biggest challenge.  I can finish the eight with a bit of walking toward the end, so I just keep trying to remember that a month ago I thought four miles was a challenge.  It's amazing how much a body can change and when I am training for these Team in Training events, I am always so grateful for that.  Distance is not an issue as long as I do a little walking, but pace certainly is, so on the short run each week, I am doing interval training and I hope that will help me increase my speed over the next three months.  Another challenge is what to eat before and after these longer runs.  I need enough calories and carbohydrates before the long runs so that I don't get worn out and then enough protein after the runs to help my muscles recover.  Since I'm also trying to take off weight and I am eating a vegan diet, this is taking some experimenting.  I'll be off to Trader Joe's this weekend to stock up!

Tonight I'm going to the premier of "Forks Over Knives" at the Cedar Lee which includes a panel discussion with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, his son Rip and Dr. Colin Campbell.  I've been really looking forward to this since I have read both Esselstyn books (father and son) and Dr. Campbell's work is cited all the time (China Study). 

We're doing ten miles on our Saturday group run which I'm looking forward to since I really enjoy the runs in the park.  The team aspect also helps and makes it seems easier than being on the treadmill for the same distance. 

I spend alot of time thinking about my parents when I run.  Hoping that by changing my life through exercise and plant-based eating I can change the outcome of my health.  I think about how much they suffered and know that the discomfort I feel is nothing compared to what they went through.  I also know they are proud of me and sending lots of blessings my way.  All of that helps me continue to put one foot in front of the other! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

19 Degrees

I feel like I am in such a good place today.  It all started at 6:30am this morning when I had to wake up David and get him to school to go to a wrestling tournament at 7:00am.  I went back and forth about whether I really wanted to go running this morning with the Team and Training Team in the Metro Parks, but I really wanted to challenge myself with a 6 mile run.  The fact that it was 19 degrees outside was the biggest factor, but I bundled up and ended up having a great run.  I am so used to being on my own with the training since I am so slow, but today, two people doubled back and ran with me.  I kept reflecting on this and how much it actually meant to me that someone would do this.  When you are a caregiver you just never expect for someone to be concerned about you and your needs.  Thanks Diane and Jim!!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Has anyone else noticed that it's much harder to run on a treadmill than outdoors?  Maybe it's just me, but the difference between my run on Friday and yesterday was like night and day!!  Yes, the sunshine and great weather helped on Friday and the Browns game I was watching while I was on the treadmill yesterday did not help!!  Without the treadmill I probably change my pace slightly throughout the run, so the treadmill forces me to run at the same speed all the time forcing me to put more effort into it.  There's probably good and bad things about that!
It's also amazing what the change from 2010 to 2011 can do.  It feels more like the difficult times from last year are really behind me, although I wonder if the sadness will ever really go away.  In his sermon yesterday, our pastor spoke about the end of the novel "Nicholas Nickleby" written by Charles Dicken.  At the end of the book a toast is made that essentially says that the only thing certain about life is that there will be difficult times and that to expect anything different is futile.  Happiness should be seen as a gift and that the best we can all do is to make sure that we work to help others be happy.  I have to agree.

So for me, 2011 is about helping others while I am helping myself become a happier person.  I know that to deal with difficult situations I have to be doing something and training for the marathon will be my "something" for the first part of the year.  We're also working on opening our Wayside Green Kitchen to the public and I'm so excited for that to start to take off!!  Many good things on the horizon!!